Friday, March 10, 2017

"Who Do You Know?"

From The Dive @ 6:45 Young Adult Bible Study-Taught 2/7/17
"Who Do You Know?...God Is..."

The year 2016 ended with a significant amount of uncertainty. Well....that same uncertainty is how the year 2017 has begun. New administration in the U.S. that don't have a clue what to do. Racial tension on a constant rise with no resolve. People leaving the Christian faith as we know it left and right. So we now say its a "New Year...Now What?" I'll tell you now what! We have to get back to the basics..the 4G Basics: God, Growth, Goals and Go!

In order to get back to God, you have to ask yourself this fundamentally sound question: Who Is God? Now I know you may be wondering: "Darren, is this a trick question?" No, this is not a trick question but a question that all disciples of Christ should truly check their inner mind and hearts to determine the answer. But for me (and I hope for you), I discovered through God's Word three things that God is to me and should be to all believers:

  1. God Is More Than A Name! 
    • What I have noticed is that we at times reduce people just to a name. There is a lack of importance and meaning that we place in and on a person's name. More importantly, God has become merely a name, if that. We know God's name but when we use it there is lack of importance and reverence for the name. The name has become just a regular word like "it" or "to." We as disciples of Christ gotta do as Birdman said and "Put some respeck" on God's name. Just as it states in what we call "The Lord's Prayer" in Matthew 6:9, we should ask every day that the Lord help you keep God's name holy aka reverenced aka respected. Because in God's name, there is healing (Exodus 15:26), provision (Genesis 22:14) and even fatherhood! (Mark 14:36) Put some respeck on God's name. 
  2.      God Is More Than Ordinary!
    • How do you treat someone or something that is special to you? Super good right? Why? Because they're not just something regular ole person or thing to you. They are....extraordinary. Well...better question is: How do you treat God? Remember, God is more than ordinary. God is an extraordinary and should be remembered to be treated as such. Moses had to be reminded of this very thing in Exodus 3:13-14 when God was trying to send Moses to the people. God reminded Moses to let them know I AM THAT I AM (Or Who I AM). What ordinary creature could say that with all power and authority and absolutely mean it and expect you to go along with it? Nobody but God would! The One who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could think, dream or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20)
  3. God Is More Than Enough
    • I searched all over. Couldn't find nobody. Looked high and low. Still couldn't find nobody. Nobody greater...nobody greater than you! We at times look to people to be great but they seemingly fail us. We even look to material items for greatness but they seem to die away. But I know the One who will never fade, never fail and never flee. God is able to supply all of needs, withholding nothing from us (Philippians 4:19). God is one who will be more than enough for us because God cares for us so richly. Yes you may have a significant other and you may have money, cars and clothes but when you have God, you've got it all!

As you reflect on this post, consider this quote by a great theologian, St. Augustine:
"He who has God has everything; he who has everything but God has nothing."

Ask yourself: Who is God to me? Who will God be to me?

Drop your questions, comments or concerns in the comments section below!

Be blessed! 



  1. I'm glad you've started the blog to review and release to some what has been happening in bible study!

    We all need a refresher in what it means to get back to God, as we shouldn't lose sight of Him or His word as we go forward in our endeavors.

    God has to remain a staple in our lives.

    Keep up the blog! Nice work!

    1. Thank you so much for your support! I really do appreciate it!
