Friday, March 31, 2017

"Knowledge Is Power!"

From The Dive @ 6:45 Young Adult Bible Study-Taught 2/28/17
"Knowledge Is Power...What Do I Need To Know?"

"Conjunction Junction...What's your function? Hooking up words and phrases and clauses!" Some of you will remember this song from the children's educational series "Schoolhouse Rock!" The primary function of Schoolhouse Rock! was to provide an avenue to help young children (and some older ones too) learn about different topics including mathematics, science and history. Though it provided a humorous appeal in its presentation, it stressed the importance of learning to become an educated member of society. For with a show like Schoolhouse Rock!, it gave young children power through knowledge!

And as we journey through our lives, we have to begin and/or continue to create this atmosphere of the power through knowledge! Many of us see the devastating effects of reduction in learning opportunities: loss in wages, spread of alternative facts, loss of historical narratives, destruction of the land, etc. However, where we sometimes miss the m ...Here are two quick ways that knowledge gives us power:

  1.  Knowledge Power To Cure The LK Disease!
    •  As you know, one of the hardest pills to swallow is knowing that there are some diseases out here that are incurable with any medication or surgical procedure. It hurts to see families suffer and endure this process. And many would think the same about the LK Disease. Oh you never heard of it?? It's the Lacking Knowledge Disease. It's running rampant. However, there is a cure for this disease. It's reading, studying, discussion and research! You have to take time to help cure this disease before it gets too out of hand. For when we cure the LK Disease, three things happen, if you use Hosea 4:6-7 as reference: 1. Destruction is Reduced ("My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge), 2. Humility is Introduced ("The more they increased, the more they sinned against Me) and 3. Longevity is Produced ("Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children")! If we open ourselves to knowledge, we can reverse the course of destruction!
  2. Knowledge Power To Help You Determine Who's in your C.A.R.?
    • One of the things that has literally always driven me crazy is when folks wanna always ride in my car! Sometimes I be like "Mane, can't we ride in your car. What I have discovered is that God does allow certain people in your life for certain moments and situations. As Pastor Kenneth Robinson put it, "Some people are there for a lifetime and others for a life lesson!" But you have to take time to gain the knowledge about who's supposed to be in your C.A.R., which is...
      1. Your Permanent Corner: Everyone in your life is not meant to be there forever. But there are some who are meant to be there forever. When considering your permanent corner, you should be looking to see if the person is providing you with love, accountability and stability (Proverbs 18:24), assisting you with producing the best you (Proverbs 27:17) and rocking with you even when you are at your lowest point (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)!
      2. Temporary Assignment: You have to sit back and self assess with prayer and conversation who's only here for a period in time. You do realize that there is a time and a season for everything, including a time and a season for certain people (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 5-7). When we hold too long to someone, we cause some significant damage to ourselves and the other person as well. Take some time to determine and gain knowledge about who's around but doesn't need to stay around! 
      3. Remote Rearview: You lastly have to determine who ain't even supposed to still be here. Some folks need to be in your Remote Rearview. What's that Darren? It's the spot where you are distant enough from me that I can see you but you can't affect me. You've moved from being an active mover to an antiquated memory. Nothing worse than continuing to move forward while looking back, still holding on to that person who's creating the trouble (Proverbs 13:20)!

Ask yourself: Am I creating an atmosphere for learning and knowledge? Or am I contributing to the LK Disease? Do I really know who's actually in my C.A.R.? Or am I just driving along, dragging whoever around with me? 

Drop your comments, questions or concerns below. 

Be Blessed!


Friday, March 24, 2017

"You Got It, You Got It Bad!"

From The Dive @ 6:45 Young Adult Bible Study-Taught 2/21/17
"You Got It, You Got It Bad...How Bad Do I Want God?"

See now here...I really don't know what I would do without you in my life baby! I can't imagine life without you there! I just wanna be around you all the time, 24/7, 365...366 in leap year. Ever had this type of feeling towards boo, bae, sugar pie honey bunch, etc.??? Especially when we hit that first breath of fresh, new, unique love. It is our natural human inclination to really want this person...bad...(Usher said it best..."You got got it bad.") But with that same good ole human inclination, that feeling at times dies down and we have to find a way to rekindle it before the fire completely dies out. 

And a disciple of Christ, at the beginning of the journey, there is and will be some strong desire...some unquenchable thirst...some unmet appetite for God and building a relationship with God.  However, we at times hit that point of the fire and desire for God (I hear ya Rick and Teena singin' it) dying down, almost to a point of no return. Wellllll....there's good news, y'all! The flame can return.....but how brotha man? Here are three quick ways that you can rekindle the flame with your lifelong love affair with God...(This is not necessarily an exhaustive list by the way)

  1. You Remember The Way Back When!
    • So take a moment to reflect back to your real, true, good, solid love situation: your mama or your guardian or your caretaker when you were a baby. All you really wanted was to be held and some of that grade A milk. The milk provided you with the nourishment needed to sustain you and your hunger for food. In the same instance, we oughta remember those days where we first connected to God and crave for that "spiritual milk." For when we remember those times and cry out for this special milk, we can "grow into a full experience of salvation." (1 Peter 2:2-3). More importantly, we can fan the flame!
  2. You Remember The Will To Risk It All!
    • Now now now let's go back down memory lane once again. Remember when you found that one person who you was willing to stop whatever you were doing just to have them aka willing to risk it all? No matter the cost, the count or the circumstance, you weren't letting anything get in your way of getting them! Sounds familiar? That was Jesus's story! Jesus was not allowing anything from stopping the journey to saving our souls, healing bodies and raising people from the dead. And we must be the same when it comes to our desire for God. We will not allow anything to hinder us from building (or rebuilding) our relationship with God. What does it profit us to gain everything in the world but lose our souls? (Mark 4:34-37). I am willing to risk it all for the sake of Christ. Are you?
  3. You Remember Your Unquenchable State of Need!
    • One more time back down memory street. Remember that time you were extra super duper thirsty?? Mouth extra dry?? No matter how much water, juice, Gatorade, etc. you drank, you still were thirsty. Your body was telling you that you had run low on the hydration that you needed to function properly and it was time for a "continuous" replenishment of all that was lost. Have you done a check on your spiritual need? Are you spiritually operating in a dehydrated state? When we get back to an unquenchable state of need for God, we recognize two things: 1) that we have need for God that is searchable and reachable (Psalm 63:1: Lord, I'm thirsty and I am searching for your thirst quenching water), and 2) that we have need for God's continuous presence (Psalm 42:1-2: Lord just like the deer needs the water, Lord I'm longing for a drink from you!). I declare today that I need to get back to my unquenchable state where I long every day for the living water, which is God! This desire will be renewed every day!

Ask yourself: How bad do I really want God? What ways have I discovered that have aided me in rekindling my relationship with God?

Drop your comments, questions or concerns below. 

Be Blessed!


Friday, March 17, 2017

"I Wanna Know Ya!"

From The Dive @ 6:45 Young Adult Bible Study-Taught 2/14/17
"I Wanna Know Ya!...How Do I Get To Know God?"

Excuse me. My name is....Thought I would take the time out to introduce myself...Just wanted to get to know you a little bit more...How about we exchange numbers and talk some time? Care to accompany me to dinner? Man we have some similar interests...let's chat more. Question: How do you get to know/how did you get to know your boo, bae, homeboy and homegirl?? Maybe consistent convos. Maybe observation of the person. Maybe even reflection time about previous conversations. a disciple of Christ, we have a duty to get to know our God more. But how do we get to know God more? Is this another trick question Darren? Nah...BUT... Here are the two ways that I've discovered that you as a young adult disciple can unlock more knowledge about God...more importantly not just KNOW OF God but KNOW God:

  1. Come And Talk To Me AKA Pray!
    • Instead of giving you all these statistics, I'll give it to you straight, no chaser. We ain't praying enough. Prayer in all honesty is merely a conversation with's your one-on-one moment, a mix of talking and listenin. But when it comes to getting to know God, there are two catches: 
      • Catch #1: You can't stop talking/praying to God. Remember, when you want to get to know bae or boo or your homeboy or homegirl a bit more, yall are always in conversation. You learn new things aka you receive revelation! Along the same line, when you want to get to know God more, you can't stop praying to God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, it simply says "Keep praying/don't stop praying."   Keep the convo going! 
      • Catch #2: Ask all the questions to God. In the midst of your convo with your homies or new bae, you get to the meat of knowledge through inquiry. There ain't nothing like some solid questions to get some solid information. But sometimes the answers are truthful or not even complete answers. And unlike humans, God will give you answers...that are truthful. Jeremiah 33:3 states that if we ask God, God will reveal to us info that we didn't even know. So don't be scared or reluctant. Ask God all those questions you got and get the information you so desire!
  2. Read...Study...Repeat!
    • When it comes to gaining knowledge about something or someone you have no ability to necessarily physically meet them, you have to do what I consider a lost art for many: Read. But it also requires you to engage in another lost art: Study. As much as reading is fundamental, studying is just as important. And when it comes to your knowledge about the God you claim to serve, you've gotta step your reading and study game up! For reading and studying God's word invokes 1) an unmatched desire for comprehension and understanding (Proverbs 2:2-4) and 2) an always readiness to learn for the intelligent (Proverbs 18:15). So don't stop reading and don't stop studying!
  3. Let's Talk About It!
    • What's missing in the world nowadays when it comes to learning? I'll tell you what: Discussion. Everyone wants to be right and no one wants to be open to hearing another side's thoughts. But in all honesty, it's through true discussion that we can obtain so much more knowledge. This is true with our knowledge about God too! When one person pours out one piece of knowledge (that really is wisdom, not foolery), it can help give clarity on something that God may have tried to reveal to us. Remember, we have to be willing to help build each other up and sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17). Let's keep talk about it all!

Ask yourself: Have I intentionally made time to get to know God for myself or am I just believing what others have said? Do I KNOW OF God or do I KNOW God? How have I personally become knowledge of God? 

Drop your comments, questions or concerns below. 

Be Blessed!


Friday, March 10, 2017

"Who Do You Know?"

From The Dive @ 6:45 Young Adult Bible Study-Taught 2/7/17
"Who Do You Know?...God Is..."

The year 2016 ended with a significant amount of uncertainty. Well....that same uncertainty is how the year 2017 has begun. New administration in the U.S. that don't have a clue what to do. Racial tension on a constant rise with no resolve. People leaving the Christian faith as we know it left and right. So we now say its a "New Year...Now What?" I'll tell you now what! We have to get back to the basics..the 4G Basics: God, Growth, Goals and Go!

In order to get back to God, you have to ask yourself this fundamentally sound question: Who Is God? Now I know you may be wondering: "Darren, is this a trick question?" No, this is not a trick question but a question that all disciples of Christ should truly check their inner mind and hearts to determine the answer. But for me (and I hope for you), I discovered through God's Word three things that God is to me and should be to all believers:

  1. God Is More Than A Name! 
    • What I have noticed is that we at times reduce people just to a name. There is a lack of importance and meaning that we place in and on a person's name. More importantly, God has become merely a name, if that. We know God's name but when we use it there is lack of importance and reverence for the name. The name has become just a regular word like "it" or "to." We as disciples of Christ gotta do as Birdman said and "Put some respeck" on God's name. Just as it states in what we call "The Lord's Prayer" in Matthew 6:9, we should ask every day that the Lord help you keep God's name holy aka reverenced aka respected. Because in God's name, there is healing (Exodus 15:26), provision (Genesis 22:14) and even fatherhood! (Mark 14:36) Put some respeck on God's name. 
  2.      God Is More Than Ordinary!
    • How do you treat someone or something that is special to you? Super good right? Why? Because they're not just something regular ole person or thing to you. They are....extraordinary. Well...better question is: How do you treat God? Remember, God is more than ordinary. God is an extraordinary and should be remembered to be treated as such. Moses had to be reminded of this very thing in Exodus 3:13-14 when God was trying to send Moses to the people. God reminded Moses to let them know I AM THAT I AM (Or Who I AM). What ordinary creature could say that with all power and authority and absolutely mean it and expect you to go along with it? Nobody but God would! The One who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could think, dream or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20)
  3. God Is More Than Enough
    • I searched all over. Couldn't find nobody. Looked high and low. Still couldn't find nobody. Nobody greater...nobody greater than you! We at times look to people to be great but they seemingly fail us. We even look to material items for greatness but they seem to die away. But I know the One who will never fade, never fail and never flee. God is able to supply all of needs, withholding nothing from us (Philippians 4:19). God is one who will be more than enough for us because God cares for us so richly. Yes you may have a significant other and you may have money, cars and clothes but when you have God, you've got it all!

As you reflect on this post, consider this quote by a great theologian, St. Augustine:
"He who has God has everything; he who has everything but God has nothing."

Ask yourself: Who is God to me? Who will God be to me?

Drop your questions, comments or concerns in the comments section below!

Be blessed! 
